Sunday, July 15, 2012

The laslas guy

I was never close to this guy.,  I don't even know him personally than having few chats and pictures whenever I attend the cosplay events.   I was even surprised when we had a petty argument that he will cut his wrist.  Right now he usually comments on my status and like whatever I post but I do not chat with him anymore... because it just gets awkward and weird :)) LOL

Ang "Tandang" *bow*

Well this is such an awesome guy not that he looks awesome cause he really doesn't but he is like a real brother to me he is always there when you need him.   I first met him thru the internet, I had no idea that   he will become one of my closest friends.  He was introduce by my cousin whom he was then crushing on. He was once a cosplayer and also a 9gagger. We also chat for hours and he tells me everything about himself especially his girls and friends.  Gosh I'm really a guy.  Even the time when he and her gf went out for more than a week  Gosh I reminded him that I just turned 13 and he should share only PG info like when they did this and that (PBB TEENS XD) .  This girl dared him for a 15 day relationship (I think) and if things don't go out well.. then.. they would end things.  After  a week Tandang wanted to break up with the girl but she was begging him not to and she would say that she loved him soooo much. Me and Tandang would even criticize her because in Tandang's stories.. she sounded kinda slutty.. Moving on.. so they continued the relationship.  I also told him to get rid of the girl since she seems to hooked him yet she went with other guys.  But now after six months he really fell in love with the girl. There was even a time that the girl want to break up with him. Tandang even told her that he would commit suicide if she did that.. (it seems like the tables have turned, Tandang was now the one madly in love, and the girl was the one trying to break lose)  I told him if he really loved her then prove to her that he is serious with her and never give up.  Fortunately, they now maintain an on and off relationship.  They are both my friends now. and most of the time they both asked me advice about their relationship... which is kinda weird since I am the one with no experience and i'm only 13 ._. so yea. Well I'm glad everything is at peace with those two :)) they even post stuff on fb. They kinda talk there ._. it kinda freaks me out LOL as I said PG :)). But their relationship is on and off @_@ kinda like a blinker.. Dafuq XD make up your mind guys :)) well that is all For now ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two Faced :))

Today everything went awesome I talked to CC and we were really chatted today.. but as the day passed by "Langaw" was kinda depressed.. I had no idea why.. Until he told me that someone was trying to ruin our friendship.. I was like Dafuq :)) who would stoop so low. I told him that our friendship involves us, not them. If we trust each other, nothing could break us apart. It's our friendship, we shouldn't care what others say and I also told him that he is not "Weirdong Bata" to tell BS behind my back, right? Anyway.. at first he wouldn't tell me who was breaking us apart.. I got a little frustrated and I told him that i didn't want to look stupid in front of every one, since that's what happened with "Weirdong Bata" he told UNTRUE stuff about me without me knowing. So until I told "Langaw" to tell me who about 10 times.. He finally told me who.. :)) yet he told me just to let it go.. The one breaking us apart was CC.. I was shocked yet I saw this coming.. because I could also feel him sorta get mad at us for me and "Langaw" being friends. "Langaw" told me that CC was telling him that I don't treat him as my bestfriend.. that all we are, are close friends.. dafuq doesn't he know that he is the one I'm not that close to? yeah sure CC calls me his best friend but i don't really know that much about him.. Moving on.. "Langaw" also told me that CC told him that I never treated him as my best friend. Dafuq? how does he more know about me and "Langaw's" friendship? One Does Not Simply Destroy Someone's Friendship Without Knowing Anything About It. :)) well but he still did.. It was kinda cool with me :)) I didn't want to get in a fight with anyone.. since who is the one looking like a dumb ass here? isn't it CC? so far all I know now is that so far.. "Langaw" is my only true friend, since everyone i know is either two faced or just leaves me hanging.. So yea. :)) that's the story of le two faced one 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Promise breaker "Kwasimoto" :))

Well me and my so called bestie fought once again. It was all because he had promised that we would go to starcity (with our other friends) on June 29. He even said that It would be his treat so yea that was awesome. As June 29 came near.. we lost contact until he told me on fb that he was short on the extra cash and that he couldn't treat me so it was cool with me, all I wanted was him to come with us now. since he did make a pinky swear. and like his previous pinky swears.. he broke this one as well.. he didn't show up and when that happened I never really gave a fck about him anymore. He would pm me on FaceBook lots of times and I would just ignore them.. oh and yea did I mention that "Kwasi" and his girlfriend already broke up lol they only lasted 7months o.o Moving on.. well actually today is his bday and I didn't even greet him.. I feel kinda bad.. NOT :)) ang sama ko lang lol. well he does deserve it since he almost broke all of his promises -.- ohh well that's life :)).
~July 6, 2012. 3:45am
Well we chatted a bit earlier :)) since I replied because it was also his Birthday.. while talking he even told me that he also got hurt because of me because I didn't text him where we were gonna meet at Starcity. o.o i was like omg he is gonna make me the one to blame all over again -.- so yea we pretty much fought again. He is always looking for loop holes for me to be the one to blame in our fights. well I'm out! I had enough of his crap -.- all he does is break our promises. it turns out that all our pinky swears were for nothing :| which was hurts the most.. because I really meant them.. I thought that our friendship was gonna last forever but I'm tired of being the only one who cares as I said I had enough.

Foundation Day :D

Foundation Day was pretty awesome \m/ me and my friends had a blast :)) almost everyone was there just a few people were missing.. "Weirdong Bata" was also there lol awkward but we just both acted like we didn't know each other... not until I saw his tweet that he had a BV when he saw me there :)) lol thats awesome I'm willing to go to school like every single day to make his life a living hell >:3 haha enough about him. I also saw "Beef Steak" at school.. he gave me I high 5 when  he saw me.. I wanted to give him a hug because I miss him so much.. but i gotta let him go i would feel our friendship slipping.. and him getting closer to others.. well that's life.. I wouldn't want to force anyone into being my friend.. btw "Skater Boy" was also there :) we didn't get to skate :| sadly because I didn't bring my skating shoes -.-" I forgot lol oh well.. While there at school I also saw "Bean Stalk" :"> fuuu I think I have a crush on him again -.- dayuum why do I always dream the impossible :)). Anywaayy.. "MIN" was also there.. my old crush lol hmm I didn't get to mention him here.. maybe it was because we were never that close and he was in a relationship when i had a crush on him oh well.. "Mr. Basta" was also there.. we didn't talk.. not even a single hi or hello either.. it seems like we're going our separate ways.. but earlier this morning he texted me.. sadly I didn't get to reply because I didn't have any load and besides.. he only texts me when he is bored or when no one is texting him -.- which makes me a kinda last resort so yeah that pisses me off. And the way I see him is kinda shifty too. sometimes I think he is awesome and I like him.. and sometimes i just want him to get dafuq out of my life -.- well foundation day was really awesome.. i got to hang out with my girl friends  and have an awesome time :) and did you know that there are a lot of new students o.o gosh and that because I still didn't get to enroll.. i missed our hands-on class with my batch -.- now i have to be with other people on hands-on and be all shy and weird again -.- fuuu. btw "Stephanie" was also there at school which was awesome because i really missed that guy :)) and plus he is now currently HSP \m/ yey x) even though some people don't like him.. I'm happy to be his friend \m/ even if he does piss me off sometimes :)) gosh -.- now I really regret playing tennis the whole summer -.- even my used to be called twin is sooo muuch prettier then me o.o which she was in the first place.. but even more now -.- dayuum siya na maganda :)) oh yeah did I tell you guys that maybe around July 16 me, "Langaw" and some friends will be hanging out at Trinoma \m/ yeaahh!! well its kinda for "Langaw's" bday so yeah :)) oh and Aaron's girl best friend which is my best friend now :)) has a new crush which is a new student at our school and he is kinda cute :)) YS9. anyway so far I forgot what happened on Foundation Day xD even though that was just yesterday :)) oh well and btw I also saw "choco" there

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Mr. Basta"

Well lets just say that when we are talking I would always use this meme because when he isn't in the mood he is just sooo difficult to talk to -.- We met at my first Hands-on class we didn't talk to each other at first but when we got each other's digits we did text each other. At first he seemed really simple and we have a lot of things in common but as I said he is very moody. to be honest there would be times that I would just want to hit him in the head :)) with a brick. But when he's in a good mood we make a hell of a good team. Like at school we would always sit beside each other and laugh about others  people's physical form.. we used to call this girl a clown because she always had too much make-up :)) I know its wrong but we bonded doing this.. these were the good times.. we would always laugh and just be awesome.. he is also kinda like "Beef Steak" at some times.. I remember when I was talking to him and "Beef Steak" at school :)) our topic was how they got caught by their family members while watching "sexy time vids" :)) since they thought of me as a guy too "guy-zoned" lol. they were cool talking about these kinda things with me. We would laugh are asses off :)). You know "Mr. Basta" is a very awesome friend but he is very moody o.o he sometimes acts like he's on his period or something :)). To be hinest i did kinda like him :"> HAHA. anywayy :> he is an  awesome friend \m/ and he would be just perfect without his moodiness. He had a lot of crushes and I don't know why those girls toy with his feelings.. it kinda pisses me off -.- why would they do that? He is just a sweet simple guy his downside is just that he's moody, well he doesn't exactly have the greatest looks but.. :))) its the inside that matters right? and I grantee you that he will always make you smile :D even if his moodiness is just plain irritating -.- Anyywaaayy.. all I'm saying is that he's a great guy just moody and all..
I'm soooo over him :))))))))
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"Weirdong Bata"

He's kinda cool but somewhat arrogant.  He always brags about his past girlfriends.  He even showed one of his gf's  pics to  "Beef Steak" & me,  cause the 3 of us used to be BFF.  Both of us used to chat on the internet and text everyday, talking about lots of things but most about his crushes.  He got lots of crushes :)).   I think 3or 4 even 5 I forgot.  One of them he had a crush on and had fallen for her since the first day of school or sometime last  june 2011, since he was so in love with her I even promised to let the girl sorta know "accidentally" that he had a crush on her IF he went to my birthday party on December 28, 2011.   However he didn't come, I understand because he has his priorities.  However all of a sudden he courted me.  Well at first I was overwhelmed since he became a part of me but somewhat confused cause he has many crushes and loves.   We had a good time on his birthday.  By the way he promised to make up and make everyday may birthday and be with me forever.   But he has the habit of saying things he forgets or he really doesn't mean it,   I don't know.  He planed to stay at home alone on that year's Valentine  See!!   He does not even care if  I'm hungry or not during lunch break he can just eat without even asking me.  Such care.and even dare asked me to be his girlfriend? dafuq :))
          I don't want to leave him hanging so I decided to read back all our convo and all his previous PM's   I was shocked I didn't realized that he made me become one of his options.  He had sent me pm on how he chose me from his options explaining using left and right wings. dafuq o.o  So that is why he did not exert any effort cause I am only one of his options.( ME: dakilang tanga lang)  Did I made myself too close for comfort? and too accessible for him?   If  I were to have a BF   I would surely deserve to be his one and only not one of his girls!  So I told him to stop courting me, and put him into the friend zone.  He unfriend me in FB.   Well its okay that's his choice.   However after sometime I received an FB friend request from him which I accepted and he did it just to let me know that he lost a girl best friend because of me and blame me for all his life miseries. After saying sorry for all the troubles he thinks I had caused him. I unfriended him, I don't want to give him problems and sadness anymore. This girl he mentioned is the same girl together with her bf are giving me unsolicited info about him,  having moved on and now he is after his first crush blaah blaaah blaah...I just ignored them. \m/ They even forwarded some of his txt messages to her about  me.  Then after quite sometime he again requested to be friend in FB (dafuq :)) ang gulo naman ng utak nya ano ba talaga) which I again accepted, cause I really do not want to loose friend.  He told me to read something and block me again. What does he really want?. :))  You have unfriend me so we should not be even talking anymore and you're not the boss of me why would I read anything about you.  If you want out then just GO!!     I never heard of him since then and I don't bother to hear more.   ** the end** **bow** :))) \m/

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Skater Boy"

We have been friends on FB since October 2011 but we never actually talked or chatted. Not until around April 2012, when we talked about one of my penny proud posts on FB. We had a lot of laughs and ever since that we chatted on FB almost everyday.. kinda like "Mandark". actually "Skater Boy" was "Madark's Girl besfriend's" EX :)). yep they did have quite a past. "Mandark's Girl Bestfriend" would tell me about it and she would tell me that he was ugly blah blah and insult him.. she would tell me anything because i was one of her bestfriends now.. Anyywayyy... As time pasts.. we became close friends and had good times (even though we never talked in person yet). Until one faithful day he told me that he liked me blah blah something like that. Of course i had said nothing since I still wasn't ready to fool around with love :)). moving on.. I act like that day didn't happen and we still talk as usual. I didn't want his feelings to interfere because that's how most friendships tend to end.. Maybe when I go to school again around July or August we could have a nice decent chat together in person and just as friends :) but he is pretty cool being a skater and all and we both like the same kind of music.. we also both hate Bieber :)). and sometimes I even tease him to his old gf "Mandark's Girl Bestfriend" just for the fun of it. You know he is still kind of bitter to his ex :)) which I think is immature because past is past  but I also understand why because maybe he just got hurt that's all.. soo anyway :D so far that's all I can say.
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"The Extra-Terrestrial Mandark"

It mainly started when he added me on fb LOL i think it was around September 2011 when we became friends on FB. I see him at school usually with some of his YS9 friends. My first impression of him was that he looked veeryy smart and kinda athletic \m/. Well at first i knew hum not that well :)) he also told me that he liked me blah blah. soo while he was here at the Philippines we texted chatted but even if we had some conversations we never really became close friends while he was here.. just aqquaintances. before he left the Philippines we weren't talking that much anymore not even time to time texts.. just nothing until one day when we chatted on fb. We both seemed to talk differently, it was like we have known each other for years and had been the best of friends. Maybe it was we were both 9gaggers... or because we had a fresh non awkward start since our first encounter was awkward because he told be right away that he liked me even though I knew nothing about him. And maybe it was because of his freaky past with girls :)). you know when he stopped contacting me, he went around the school texting or talking to other girls asking them out and stuff. most of those girls were my pals :)) and it was ultra weird lol. so as time past on "Mandark" went to Australia and we literally went separate ways.. not until one faithful day we had a chat on fb :). we laughed, revived our friendship, and had an awesome time \m/ we did this almost everyday except when I was at Tarlac because i could only use the laptop scarcely there... when I got back to manila we again chatted on FB every single day :). until one day I got kinda pissed off and didn't answer back to his messages until maybe 16days? idk :)). so yeah we pretty much talk again :D. from time to time he tells me that he loves me something like that or he would say "Love ya" and i'll be all like "who is ya?"  :)) or sometimes I would say "awkwaard" or simply that I loved him too but as a friend then he would tell me "Someday I will escape the friendzone" it always makes me laugh when he says that. I also remember his girl best friend (which is now my bestfriend) here in the PH. She used to tell me all the things she would say to "Mandark" about me.. for example.. the first time she saw me she thought i was pretty crazy XD maybe it was because when she saw me I was with my friends being all weird and stuff. She told me here exact words to "Mandark"  that time was "Baliw ata yang crush mo eh" and then she'd tell me that "Mandark" said "ha? hindi ah! Hyper lang yan" and then She would say that "wushuu pinagtatanggol mo lang kasi crush mo" XD but what puzzles me is that she really thought I was crazy @_@ that made me be more cautious of myself and what I do. sooo yeah. Me and "Mandark" are now chatting again :) I just talked to him quite recently. actually just yesterday xD so yeah. Nuff Said. \m/
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Story of "DUDE"

 officially met him around October 2011 I think. Well he saw me at BOA 2011. I was actually with my bestfriend "beef steak" that time since he came to the con. I didn't actually see "dude" that time oh well. We were properly introduced on GTMA 2011. Xanthe introduced me to him. Let me just say that I paused for a moment when I saw him :))  he was very cute HAHA. :> . well lets just say I did like him, btw his ex girlfriend is totally gorgeous <3 HAHA. we did texted and talked to each other for quite some time he did also tell me that he liked me then he loved me blah blah but  even though i liked him back i still didn't open up to love since i'm still young and i didn't want anymore problems for noIw.. anyyywaaaayy.. we are still pretty good friends even if we chat every once in a while :) haha he is pretty cool but jejemon which is another turn off to me oh well :)) but at least we still chat even sometimes an im sooo over him. I think of him more as a friend nowadays btw the pic you see here is me at the Best of Anime convention :D
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"Alamat ni Langaw :3"

well whats to say :)) we have been friends on facebook since November 2011. I have no idea who added who first :)). He's a sweet quiet kinda guy, he makes me laugh constantly :)) especially when he tells me stories about the "Weirdong Bata". He's the kinda guy who will just sit there quietly and seem to carry the whole world on his shoulders. He is kinda problematic (like me) but you wouldn't really now because every time you would talk to him, you could see him trying to be as happy as he can be. not letting you feel his troubles. He is an awesome bestfriend :) when I'm with him i feel safe, I feel like I can be my weird old self. XD. I remember being at the field with him, we looked like complete emo idiots. :)) but it was fun just having to hang around and stuff :D. He is really sweet :) he even gives me my fav chocolate sometimes om nomnomnom :3. you know I've realized that SO FAR he is the only friend that would stay by my side, through everything :) and I would do the same for him. I hope we stay friends.. some of my friends tend to slip away.. i don't now if its just because we grew  apart, or maybe because of the "Weirdong Bata" this weird kid tends to destroy all of my good friendships -.- i think he does this because he is jealous of my life well all i gotta say to that guy is ..|.. Nuff said :))
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Alamat ng Weirdong Matanda"

 lol epic code name :)) hmm well i'm not sure where to start.. oh yeah! 
well I first saw him at Intrams 2011. I was talking to my bestfriend "Beef Steak".. but to be honest when i first saw him i was stunned :)) he was kinda cute lol. Moving on! :)) haha. well even though he was cute he was so talkative :)) nakakaturn off lang. but he was kinda sweet and i did like him :">. but still he had chicks LOL. Moving on! he's smart tall talkative like a radio though sweet. he even gave me some chocolate once :D. and he is one of my good friends :). even though sadly he transferred before us getting to really know each other oh well. :)) but we still keep in touch. :)) he is now waiting for the love of his dreams XD CC.
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"Alamat Ni Kwasimoto"

The Story of Kwasimoto :))

another epic code name. lol. I first saw "Kwasimoto" at around October 2011, when he first went to the HSP room. He was actually regular and transferred to HSP i have no idea why. I met him because of "ImaJ" (couldn't think of a clever code name :|). "ImaJ" texted me that night saying that "Kwasi" wanted my number :)) awkward. So I told her to give him my digits :)) what could possibly go wrong, right? October 15, 2011. He texted me. We had a pretty good convo. :)) he was pretty cool but a smooth talker ;). that night we watched The Karate Kid at our own homes but at the same time. Texting each other about the story and our favorite parts :). The pinky swear scene affected us the most. We thought it was sweet yet sincere, how they kept their promises :). Through the days.. Me and "Kwasi" talked a lot. Sometimes when i didn't have load and couldn't text me he would load me. HAHA. that was one of the things i appreciated the most :) even though he was like Mr. Krabs; super cheap and kuripot! :)) he changed for me :> and i appreciated that. he used to buy me Chocolate Mousse (my fav dessert) every time we would meet at school and that also meant a lot to me. These little things people do affected me so much. He was an awesome bestfriend :). Even though he had a lot of chicks.. and he would always go to late night parties.. he changed.. he changed for the best :). I remember that there was a time he had a crush on this pretty girl at school.. lets hide her by the name "Clover" it rhymes lol. Oh yeah! one time i was out texting "Kwasi" and "Turon". Turon told me that he sorta liked "Kwasi" so i kinda told him that this girl blah blah likes you blah blah :)). and the next thing i know sila na @_@ dafaq now that's what i call fast :)). They were a cute couple :) i have no idea what happened to them @_@ maybe it was the pressure of the peoples opinions. They should not have listened to other people but about what their heart screamed :P Moving on.. Me and "Kwasi" were kinda the best of friends even though we fought a little because of him going to parties again or was it because of.... ughh i forgot :)) oh well. at least now we got through some obstacles and are still good friends. we are still going on with our pinky swears. I think we already made more that 10 promises lol. oh I almost forgot while me and "Kwasi" were suddenly close since "ImaJ" gave my number to him, issues were brewing up i have no idea why i was like "srsly? @_@ dafaq man" but still i didn't care about others opinions. "ImaJ" and her friends would sometimes tease me to him :)) I think she was just bitter that time since "kwasi" said that she was his X i think. Moving on... There was also a time that i was super close to "Kwasi" as in a time that we would go to school at the same time at still hang out after class. This was when "Mr. Basta" started to get a little moody and I have no idea why @_@ he would act like he was on his period of something. like for example, every time I'm with "kwasi" even if we just chat for a sec or i would just borrow a pen, he would get mad and say "lagi nalang "kwasi" puro na lang siya ano ba yan" then i would explain myself by saying that he's just my bestfriend then he would go on and on and on about some drama -,-" but still when "Mr. Basta" isn't moody he is kinda sweet and awesome to hang out with :) (check out more about Mr. Basta at the blog topic "Alamat ni Mr. Basta coming soon XD) Moving on! well lets just say we both became good friends hanging out sometimes and making tons of pinky swears :) he is a good friend besides his past and such :) Rock on Bestie
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Intrams 2011 December \(-.-)/

Intrams :D

i loved it so much \(-.-)/ could you imagine going to school everyday and not doing anything but hanging out with your friends? :D it was awesome \m/ especially when me, "Cream", "Stephanie" and "Dora's cousin" (not real names :D mga blind item) we would go to the inflatables at school and act like complete idiots :)) jumping around like little children.
I remember while intrams i was at the HSP room with "Beef Steak" we were talking and this guy "Weirdong Matanda" would always butt in our conversations and talk to "Beef Steak" about softball since that's what they entered for intrams :)) he looked kinda simpe ^^ he was tall :)) skin white as snow (lol snow white lng dre?) honestly he was kinda cute :)) but he was so loud @_@ when he talks i think he has a megaphone or something he was kinda like a version of "weirdong bata" but he was more improved :)) unlike "weirdong bata" he was nice :D  and pretty cool but they kept going on and on and on about their selves :))). haha but i admit when i first saw him i kinda had a crush on him :> but when he talks lol i would just love to shut him up :)) other than that he is sweet XD i think. Moving on! "Stephanie" they call him feeling close :)) i dont think so :P well he is kinda clingy but he is a good friend \m/ he will always make you laugh too :)) we really became close at intrams. "Dora's cousin" this guy became a sorta a heartthrob :)) i have no idea why "super model" even had a crush on him :)). btw what i entered for intrams was cheering XD share ko lang :P
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Bean Stalk :">

"Ang Alamat ni Bean Stalk"

since ive been going to school i would always see this guy by our gate and I would always get stunned by his eyes and what not LOL. he was actually my first crush at school :)) I never got to talk to him.. not even once.. he was actually regular :O sigh -.- anyway :D every time i went to school i would always see him. sometimes at the canteen or at the field.. usually by gate 1. He had a lot of friends.. he was kinda popular but not that much. even one of the most popular girls hanged out with him sometimes. For me he was the kind of guy that would make your heart stop when you saw him :). He plays basketball \m/ haha :)) he is simple pero grabe :)) ung chicks nya sa school ang gandaa T~T she had blue eyes and light brown hair :| edi sila na sweet haha :)) but im sooo over him now :D that is all xD
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"First Hands-On Class" (July 23,2011)

"First Hands-On Class"

Wow this day was soo epic :)) and i was late for class -,- lol bad student :)) well i was all nervous again and shyyy my heart jumped when they made me introduce my self i was like "H-i Im C-christine Joy Natha-alie Cardenas Y-you can call me Cj" i stuttered and was so embarrased @_@ moving on.. this girl :)) she was the one who made me feel welcome to the world. Without her I would be forever alone without any friends. Lets hide her by the name "TURON" :)) she introduced herself to me and also her friend "Supermodel" yeah lets call her that. btw I always see them at school while studying but i just dont know them so i just look at them kinda stalker type loljk. Moving on! We had so much fun and really got along :) I also met this other guy "weirdong bata" he was pretty cool (i think) my first impression of him was that he was out going and no one could stop him :)) but he was just kinda weird and mayabang btw Turon had a crush on him XD. nuff said. I also met "Tuff Guy" nako! he would always butt in and pick on you, we didn't get along at first because i didn't like the way he acted parang KSP lang :)) pero if you take that habit out of him he would be an awesome big brother :) you would feel safe with him, maybe because of his toughness xD. Moving on. "Tall Bro" this guy was awesome too :)) he was kinda like my brother as well :D and he is sooo tall @_@ kinda like a giant :)) siya na matangkad! moving on.. "Mr Basta" he is the kinda guy that when he is not in the mood you can't talk to him yung tipong wala siya sa tamang pagiisp :)) pero pag yan maganda ang mood nako ang sarap kasama :D we would go on about people xD pare ko yan eh nad hang out.. moving on.. "Shamcy Sup Sup" my girly bestfriend :D and irreplaceble I love you! :D you are one of those peope who gave color to my black and white life :)) especially your fashion sense. moving on about what happened on Hands on. we did alot of stuff we also played badminton and i remember "Mr Basta" getting hit by a racket XD poor him :| ohh well. we had alot of fun i even asked all their Fb accounts to keep in touch :D thats all for now folks.
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"The First Day of School" (June 13, 2011)

Where to start where to start :)) ohh!!

"The First Day of School (June 13, 2011)"

 THIS!! was the most exciting day of my life so far. :)) Maybe it was because it was my first time going to school since i didn't go to grade school. I woke up early.. took a shower.. brushed my teeth.. got ready.. and rushed to school! XD 
When i arrived at school i was so nervous i was practically shaking. So I went into the HSP room, kissed my mom and plunged into the horrors of high school :)). when i came into the door this pretty lady came up to me and introduced herself. She was my moderator for the whole school year. She was so kind  :'> maybe it was because she knew that i was new to this studying thing. Oh well :)) Who knew that going to school would be so exciting, learning new things, knowing new people and having awesome friends to be with :'> anyway..everytime i needed to sitdown i would always pick a chair farthest from all the students since i was shy and didn't have a friend (ForeverAlone) I was almost done finishing my exams for the day when the lunch bell rang.. so I went out in the waiting area where my mom was and we went to the canteen. Ohh the canteen so mysterious :)) you would hear or see all kinds of things like some people talking or laughing, some even just sitting with their friends or hanging out.. moving on.. so me and my mom already got some food all we had to do is find some place to sit.. so we searched for an available table.. and the only table available was one with a student and his mom. We asked if we could have a seat there and they said yes.. while eating the student infront of me seemed just so focused on his studies o.o while he was eating he also read his modules at the same time. (Siya na! XD)  while eating from time to time we made eye contact lol awkward :)). before we all left the table we politely smiled at each other :D not knowing that in the future he would be my bestest friend that i almost couldn't live without :'> i will call him "Beef Steak" here XD. as lunch was finished i came back to the HSP room and finished what i was doing and went home. The End XD
*feel free to comment your opinion :D