Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Story of "DUDE"

 officially met him around October 2011 I think. Well he saw me at BOA 2011. I was actually with my bestfriend "beef steak" that time since he came to the con. I didn't actually see "dude" that time oh well. We were properly introduced on GTMA 2011. Xanthe introduced me to him. Let me just say that I paused for a moment when I saw him :))  he was very cute HAHA. :> . well lets just say I did like him, btw his ex girlfriend is totally gorgeous <3 HAHA. we did texted and talked to each other for quite some time he did also tell me that he liked me then he loved me blah blah but  even though i liked him back i still didn't open up to love since i'm still young and i didn't want anymore problems for noIw.. anyyywaaaayy.. we are still pretty good friends even if we chat every once in a while :) haha he is pretty cool but jejemon which is another turn off to me oh well :)) but at least we still chat even sometimes an im sooo over him. I think of him more as a friend nowadays btw the pic you see here is me at the Best of Anime convention :D
*feel free to comment your opinion :D

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