Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"First Hands-On Class" (July 23,2011)

"First Hands-On Class"

Wow this day was soo epic :)) and i was late for class -,- lol bad student :)) well i was all nervous again and shyyy my heart jumped when they made me introduce my self i was like "H-i Im C-christine Joy Natha-alie Cardenas Y-you can call me Cj" i stuttered and was so embarrased @_@ moving on.. this girl :)) she was the one who made me feel welcome to the world. Without her I would be forever alone without any friends. Lets hide her by the name "TURON" :)) she introduced herself to me and also her friend "Supermodel" yeah lets call her that. btw I always see them at school while studying but i just dont know them so i just look at them kinda stalker type loljk. Moving on! We had so much fun and really got along :) I also met this other guy "weirdong bata" he was pretty cool (i think) my first impression of him was that he was out going and no one could stop him :)) but he was just kinda weird and mayabang btw Turon had a crush on him XD. nuff said. I also met "Tuff Guy" nako! he would always butt in and pick on you, we didn't get along at first because i didn't like the way he acted parang KSP lang :)) pero if you take that habit out of him he would be an awesome big brother :) you would feel safe with him, maybe because of his toughness xD. Moving on. "Tall Bro" this guy was awesome too :)) he was kinda like my brother as well :D and he is sooo tall @_@ kinda like a giant :)) siya na matangkad! moving on.. "Mr Basta" he is the kinda guy that when he is not in the mood you can't talk to him yung tipong wala siya sa tamang pagiisp :)) pero pag yan maganda ang mood nako ang sarap kasama :D we would go on about people xD pare ko yan eh nad hang out.. moving on.. "Shamcy Sup Sup" my girly bestfriend :D and irreplaceble I love you! :D you are one of those peope who gave color to my black and white life :)) especially your fashion sense. moving on about what happened on Hands on. we did alot of stuff we also played badminton and i remember "Mr Basta" getting hit by a racket XD poor him :| ohh well. we had alot of fun i even asked all their Fb accounts to keep in touch :D thats all for now folks.
*feel free to comment your opinion :D

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