Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bean Stalk :">

"Ang Alamat ni Bean Stalk"

since ive been going to school i would always see this guy by our gate and I would always get stunned by his eyes and what not LOL. he was actually my first crush at school :)) I never got to talk to him.. not even once.. he was actually regular :O sigh -.- anyway :D every time i went to school i would always see him. sometimes at the canteen or at the field.. usually by gate 1. He had a lot of friends.. he was kinda popular but not that much. even one of the most popular girls hanged out with him sometimes. For me he was the kind of guy that would make your heart stop when you saw him :). He plays basketball \m/ haha :)) he is simple pero grabe :)) ung chicks nya sa school ang gandaa T~T she had blue eyes and light brown hair :| edi sila na sweet haha :)) but im sooo over him now :D that is all xD
*feel free to comment your opinion :D

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