Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two Faced :))

Today everything went awesome I talked to CC and we were really chatted today.. but as the day passed by "Langaw" was kinda depressed.. I had no idea why.. Until he told me that someone was trying to ruin our friendship.. I was like Dafuq :)) who would stoop so low. I told him that our friendship involves us, not them. If we trust each other, nothing could break us apart. It's our friendship, we shouldn't care what others say and I also told him that he is not "Weirdong Bata" to tell BS behind my back, right? Anyway.. at first he wouldn't tell me who was breaking us apart.. I got a little frustrated and I told him that i didn't want to look stupid in front of every one, since that's what happened with "Weirdong Bata" he told UNTRUE stuff about me without me knowing. So until I told "Langaw" to tell me who about 10 times.. He finally told me who.. :)) yet he told me just to let it go.. The one breaking us apart was CC.. I was shocked yet I saw this coming.. because I could also feel him sorta get mad at us for me and "Langaw" being friends. "Langaw" told me that CC was telling him that I don't treat him as my bestfriend.. that all we are, are close friends.. dafuq doesn't he know that he is the one I'm not that close to? yeah sure CC calls me his best friend but i don't really know that much about him.. Moving on.. "Langaw" also told me that CC told him that I never treated him as my best friend. Dafuq? how does he more know about me and "Langaw's" friendship? One Does Not Simply Destroy Someone's Friendship Without Knowing Anything About It. :)) well but he still did.. It was kinda cool with me :)) I didn't want to get in a fight with anyone.. since who is the one looking like a dumb ass here? isn't it CC? so far all I know now is that so far.. "Langaw" is my only true friend, since everyone i know is either two faced or just leaves me hanging.. So yea. :)) that's the story of le two faced one 

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