Friday, July 6, 2012

Promise breaker "Kwasimoto" :))

Well me and my so called bestie fought once again. It was all because he had promised that we would go to starcity (with our other friends) on June 29. He even said that It would be his treat so yea that was awesome. As June 29 came near.. we lost contact until he told me on fb that he was short on the extra cash and that he couldn't treat me so it was cool with me, all I wanted was him to come with us now. since he did make a pinky swear. and like his previous pinky swears.. he broke this one as well.. he didn't show up and when that happened I never really gave a fck about him anymore. He would pm me on FaceBook lots of times and I would just ignore them.. oh and yea did I mention that "Kwasi" and his girlfriend already broke up lol they only lasted 7months o.o Moving on.. well actually today is his bday and I didn't even greet him.. I feel kinda bad.. NOT :)) ang sama ko lang lol. well he does deserve it since he almost broke all of his promises -.- ohh well that's life :)).
~July 6, 2012. 3:45am
Well we chatted a bit earlier :)) since I replied because it was also his Birthday.. while talking he even told me that he also got hurt because of me because I didn't text him where we were gonna meet at Starcity. o.o i was like omg he is gonna make me the one to blame all over again -.- so yea we pretty much fought again. He is always looking for loop holes for me to be the one to blame in our fights. well I'm out! I had enough of his crap -.- all he does is break our promises. it turns out that all our pinky swears were for nothing :| which was hurts the most.. because I really meant them.. I thought that our friendship was gonna last forever but I'm tired of being the only one who cares as I said I had enough.

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