Friday, June 29, 2012

"Mr. Basta"

Well lets just say that when we are talking I would always use this meme because when he isn't in the mood he is just sooo difficult to talk to -.- We met at my first Hands-on class we didn't talk to each other at first but when we got each other's digits we did text each other. At first he seemed really simple and we have a lot of things in common but as I said he is very moody. to be honest there would be times that I would just want to hit him in the head :)) with a brick. But when he's in a good mood we make a hell of a good team. Like at school we would always sit beside each other and laugh about others  people's physical form.. we used to call this girl a clown because she always had too much make-up :)) I know its wrong but we bonded doing this.. these were the good times.. we would always laugh and just be awesome.. he is also kinda like "Beef Steak" at some times.. I remember when I was talking to him and "Beef Steak" at school :)) our topic was how they got caught by their family members while watching "sexy time vids" :)) since they thought of me as a guy too "guy-zoned" lol. they were cool talking about these kinda things with me. We would laugh are asses off :)). You know "Mr. Basta" is a very awesome friend but he is very moody o.o he sometimes acts like he's on his period or something :)). To be hinest i did kinda like him :"> HAHA. anywayy :> he is an  awesome friend \m/ and he would be just perfect without his moodiness. He had a lot of crushes and I don't know why those girls toy with his feelings.. it kinda pisses me off -.- why would they do that? He is just a sweet simple guy his downside is just that he's moody, well he doesn't exactly have the greatest looks but.. :))) its the inside that matters right? and I grantee you that he will always make you smile :D even if his moodiness is just plain irritating -.- Anyywaaayy.. all I'm saying is that he's a great guy just moody and all..
I'm soooo over him :))))))))
*feel free to comment below :D

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