Friday, July 6, 2012

Foundation Day :D

Foundation Day was pretty awesome \m/ me and my friends had a blast :)) almost everyone was there just a few people were missing.. "Weirdong Bata" was also there lol awkward but we just both acted like we didn't know each other... not until I saw his tweet that he had a BV when he saw me there :)) lol thats awesome I'm willing to go to school like every single day to make his life a living hell >:3 haha enough about him. I also saw "Beef Steak" at school.. he gave me I high 5 when  he saw me.. I wanted to give him a hug because I miss him so much.. but i gotta let him go i would feel our friendship slipping.. and him getting closer to others.. well that's life.. I wouldn't want to force anyone into being my friend.. btw "Skater Boy" was also there :) we didn't get to skate :| sadly because I didn't bring my skating shoes -.-" I forgot lol oh well.. While there at school I also saw "Bean Stalk" :"> fuuu I think I have a crush on him again -.- dayuum why do I always dream the impossible :)). Anywaayy.. "MIN" was also there.. my old crush lol hmm I didn't get to mention him here.. maybe it was because we were never that close and he was in a relationship when i had a crush on him oh well.. "Mr. Basta" was also there.. we didn't talk.. not even a single hi or hello either.. it seems like we're going our separate ways.. but earlier this morning he texted me.. sadly I didn't get to reply because I didn't have any load and besides.. he only texts me when he is bored or when no one is texting him -.- which makes me a kinda last resort so yeah that pisses me off. And the way I see him is kinda shifty too. sometimes I think he is awesome and I like him.. and sometimes i just want him to get dafuq out of my life -.- well foundation day was really awesome.. i got to hang out with my girl friends  and have an awesome time :) and did you know that there are a lot of new students o.o gosh and that because I still didn't get to enroll.. i missed our hands-on class with my batch -.- now i have to be with other people on hands-on and be all shy and weird again -.- fuuu. btw "Stephanie" was also there at school which was awesome because i really missed that guy :)) and plus he is now currently HSP \m/ yey x) even though some people don't like him.. I'm happy to be his friend \m/ even if he does piss me off sometimes :)) gosh -.- now I really regret playing tennis the whole summer -.- even my used to be called twin is sooo muuch prettier then me o.o which she was in the first place.. but even more now -.- dayuum siya na maganda :)) oh yeah did I tell you guys that maybe around July 16 me, "Langaw" and some friends will be hanging out at Trinoma \m/ yeaahh!! well its kinda for "Langaw's" bday so yeah :)) oh and Aaron's girl best friend which is my best friend now :)) has a new crush which is a new student at our school and he is kinda cute :)) YS9. anyway so far I forgot what happened on Foundation Day xD even though that was just yesterday :)) oh well and btw I also saw "choco" there

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