Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Alamat ng Weirdong Matanda"

 lol epic code name :)) hmm well i'm not sure where to start.. oh yeah! 
well I first saw him at Intrams 2011. I was talking to my bestfriend "Beef Steak".. but to be honest when i first saw him i was stunned :)) he was kinda cute lol. Moving on! :)) haha. well even though he was cute he was so talkative :)) nakakaturn off lang. but he was kinda sweet and i did like him :">. but still he had chicks LOL. Moving on! he's smart tall talkative like a radio though sweet. he even gave me some chocolate once :D. and he is one of my good friends :). even though sadly he transferred before us getting to really know each other oh well. :)) but we still keep in touch. :)) he is now waiting for the love of his dreams XD CC.
*feel free to comment your opinion :D

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