Thursday, June 28, 2012

"The Extra-Terrestrial Mandark"

It mainly started when he added me on fb LOL i think it was around September 2011 when we became friends on FB. I see him at school usually with some of his YS9 friends. My first impression of him was that he looked veeryy smart and kinda athletic \m/. Well at first i knew hum not that well :)) he also told me that he liked me blah blah. soo while he was here at the Philippines we texted chatted but even if we had some conversations we never really became close friends while he was here.. just aqquaintances. before he left the Philippines we weren't talking that much anymore not even time to time texts.. just nothing until one day when we chatted on fb. We both seemed to talk differently, it was like we have known each other for years and had been the best of friends. Maybe it was we were both 9gaggers... or because we had a fresh non awkward start since our first encounter was awkward because he told be right away that he liked me even though I knew nothing about him. And maybe it was because of his freaky past with girls :)). you know when he stopped contacting me, he went around the school texting or talking to other girls asking them out and stuff. most of those girls were my pals :)) and it was ultra weird lol. so as time past on "Mandark" went to Australia and we literally went separate ways.. not until one faithful day we had a chat on fb :). we laughed, revived our friendship, and had an awesome time \m/ we did this almost everyday except when I was at Tarlac because i could only use the laptop scarcely there... when I got back to manila we again chatted on FB every single day :). until one day I got kinda pissed off and didn't answer back to his messages until maybe 16days? idk :)). so yeah we pretty much talk again :D. from time to time he tells me that he loves me something like that or he would say "Love ya" and i'll be all like "who is ya?"  :)) or sometimes I would say "awkwaard" or simply that I loved him too but as a friend then he would tell me "Someday I will escape the friendzone" it always makes me laugh when he says that. I also remember his girl best friend (which is now my bestfriend) here in the PH. She used to tell me all the things she would say to "Mandark" about me.. for example.. the first time she saw me she thought i was pretty crazy XD maybe it was because when she saw me I was with my friends being all weird and stuff. She told me here exact words to "Mandark"  that time was "Baliw ata yang crush mo eh" and then she'd tell me that "Mandark" said "ha? hindi ah! Hyper lang yan" and then She would say that "wushuu pinagtatanggol mo lang kasi crush mo" XD but what puzzles me is that she really thought I was crazy @_@ that made me be more cautious of myself and what I do. sooo yeah. Me and "Mandark" are now chatting again :) I just talked to him quite recently. actually just yesterday xD so yeah. Nuff Said. \m/
*feel free to comment your opinion :D

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