Sunday, July 15, 2012

The laslas guy

I was never close to this guy.,  I don't even know him personally than having few chats and pictures whenever I attend the cosplay events.   I was even surprised when we had a petty argument that he will cut his wrist.  Right now he usually comments on my status and like whatever I post but I do not chat with him anymore... because it just gets awkward and weird :)) LOL

Ang "Tandang" *bow*

Well this is such an awesome guy not that he looks awesome cause he really doesn't but he is like a real brother to me he is always there when you need him.   I first met him thru the internet, I had no idea that   he will become one of my closest friends.  He was introduce by my cousin whom he was then crushing on. He was once a cosplayer and also a 9gagger. We also chat for hours and he tells me everything about himself especially his girls and friends.  Gosh I'm really a guy.  Even the time when he and her gf went out for more than a week  Gosh I reminded him that I just turned 13 and he should share only PG info like when they did this and that (PBB TEENS XD) .  This girl dared him for a 15 day relationship (I think) and if things don't go out well.. then.. they would end things.  After  a week Tandang wanted to break up with the girl but she was begging him not to and she would say that she loved him soooo much. Me and Tandang would even criticize her because in Tandang's stories.. she sounded kinda slutty.. Moving on.. so they continued the relationship.  I also told him to get rid of the girl since she seems to hooked him yet she went with other guys.  But now after six months he really fell in love with the girl. There was even a time that the girl want to break up with him. Tandang even told her that he would commit suicide if she did that.. (it seems like the tables have turned, Tandang was now the one madly in love, and the girl was the one trying to break lose)  I told him if he really loved her then prove to her that he is serious with her and never give up.  Fortunately, they now maintain an on and off relationship.  They are both my friends now. and most of the time they both asked me advice about their relationship... which is kinda weird since I am the one with no experience and i'm only 13 ._. so yea. Well I'm glad everything is at peace with those two :)) they even post stuff on fb. They kinda talk there ._. it kinda freaks me out LOL as I said PG :)). But their relationship is on and off @_@ kinda like a blinker.. Dafuq XD make up your mind guys :)) well that is all For now ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two Faced :))

Today everything went awesome I talked to CC and we were really chatted today.. but as the day passed by "Langaw" was kinda depressed.. I had no idea why.. Until he told me that someone was trying to ruin our friendship.. I was like Dafuq :)) who would stoop so low. I told him that our friendship involves us, not them. If we trust each other, nothing could break us apart. It's our friendship, we shouldn't care what others say and I also told him that he is not "Weirdong Bata" to tell BS behind my back, right? Anyway.. at first he wouldn't tell me who was breaking us apart.. I got a little frustrated and I told him that i didn't want to look stupid in front of every one, since that's what happened with "Weirdong Bata" he told UNTRUE stuff about me without me knowing. So until I told "Langaw" to tell me who about 10 times.. He finally told me who.. :)) yet he told me just to let it go.. The one breaking us apart was CC.. I was shocked yet I saw this coming.. because I could also feel him sorta get mad at us for me and "Langaw" being friends. "Langaw" told me that CC was telling him that I don't treat him as my bestfriend.. that all we are, are close friends.. dafuq doesn't he know that he is the one I'm not that close to? yeah sure CC calls me his best friend but i don't really know that much about him.. Moving on.. "Langaw" also told me that CC told him that I never treated him as my best friend. Dafuq? how does he more know about me and "Langaw's" friendship? One Does Not Simply Destroy Someone's Friendship Without Knowing Anything About It. :)) well but he still did.. It was kinda cool with me :)) I didn't want to get in a fight with anyone.. since who is the one looking like a dumb ass here? isn't it CC? so far all I know now is that so far.. "Langaw" is my only true friend, since everyone i know is either two faced or just leaves me hanging.. So yea. :)) that's the story of le two faced one 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Promise breaker "Kwasimoto" :))

Well me and my so called bestie fought once again. It was all because he had promised that we would go to starcity (with our other friends) on June 29. He even said that It would be his treat so yea that was awesome. As June 29 came near.. we lost contact until he told me on fb that he was short on the extra cash and that he couldn't treat me so it was cool with me, all I wanted was him to come with us now. since he did make a pinky swear. and like his previous pinky swears.. he broke this one as well.. he didn't show up and when that happened I never really gave a fck about him anymore. He would pm me on FaceBook lots of times and I would just ignore them.. oh and yea did I mention that "Kwasi" and his girlfriend already broke up lol they only lasted 7months o.o Moving on.. well actually today is his bday and I didn't even greet him.. I feel kinda bad.. NOT :)) ang sama ko lang lol. well he does deserve it since he almost broke all of his promises -.- ohh well that's life :)).
~July 6, 2012. 3:45am
Well we chatted a bit earlier :)) since I replied because it was also his Birthday.. while talking he even told me that he also got hurt because of me because I didn't text him where we were gonna meet at Starcity. o.o i was like omg he is gonna make me the one to blame all over again -.- so yea we pretty much fought again. He is always looking for loop holes for me to be the one to blame in our fights. well I'm out! I had enough of his crap -.- all he does is break our promises. it turns out that all our pinky swears were for nothing :| which was hurts the most.. because I really meant them.. I thought that our friendship was gonna last forever but I'm tired of being the only one who cares as I said I had enough.

Foundation Day :D

Foundation Day was pretty awesome \m/ me and my friends had a blast :)) almost everyone was there just a few people were missing.. "Weirdong Bata" was also there lol awkward but we just both acted like we didn't know each other... not until I saw his tweet that he had a BV when he saw me there :)) lol thats awesome I'm willing to go to school like every single day to make his life a living hell >:3 haha enough about him. I also saw "Beef Steak" at school.. he gave me I high 5 when  he saw me.. I wanted to give him a hug because I miss him so much.. but i gotta let him go i would feel our friendship slipping.. and him getting closer to others.. well that's life.. I wouldn't want to force anyone into being my friend.. btw "Skater Boy" was also there :) we didn't get to skate :| sadly because I didn't bring my skating shoes -.-" I forgot lol oh well.. While there at school I also saw "Bean Stalk" :"> fuuu I think I have a crush on him again -.- dayuum why do I always dream the impossible :)). Anywaayy.. "MIN" was also there.. my old crush lol hmm I didn't get to mention him here.. maybe it was because we were never that close and he was in a relationship when i had a crush on him oh well.. "Mr. Basta" was also there.. we didn't talk.. not even a single hi or hello either.. it seems like we're going our separate ways.. but earlier this morning he texted me.. sadly I didn't get to reply because I didn't have any load and besides.. he only texts me when he is bored or when no one is texting him -.- which makes me a kinda last resort so yeah that pisses me off. And the way I see him is kinda shifty too. sometimes I think he is awesome and I like him.. and sometimes i just want him to get dafuq out of my life -.- well foundation day was really awesome.. i got to hang out with my girl friends  and have an awesome time :) and did you know that there are a lot of new students o.o gosh and that because I still didn't get to enroll.. i missed our hands-on class with my batch -.- now i have to be with other people on hands-on and be all shy and weird again -.- fuuu. btw "Stephanie" was also there at school which was awesome because i really missed that guy :)) and plus he is now currently HSP \m/ yey x) even though some people don't like him.. I'm happy to be his friend \m/ even if he does piss me off sometimes :)) gosh -.- now I really regret playing tennis the whole summer -.- even my used to be called twin is sooo muuch prettier then me o.o which she was in the first place.. but even more now -.- dayuum siya na maganda :)) oh yeah did I tell you guys that maybe around July 16 me, "Langaw" and some friends will be hanging out at Trinoma \m/ yeaahh!! well its kinda for "Langaw's" bday so yeah :)) oh and Aaron's girl best friend which is my best friend now :)) has a new crush which is a new student at our school and he is kinda cute :)) YS9. anyway so far I forgot what happened on Foundation Day xD even though that was just yesterday :)) oh well and btw I also saw "choco" there