Thursday, April 18, 2013

More Random Stuff XD

Some people might treat you like crap.. and leave you in mid air.. But at least you could see the ones who were really there for you from the start :).. Don't ever think that you are alone.. because God is always by your side <3.. Enjoy the little things.. :) You can't expect everything to go your way.. bad days come to make you appreciate the good days more..  God has better things planned for you <3

Anyway~ I'm so random lol.. Haven't posted for a while.. :)) I'm sooo lazy lol.. I don't even think anyone is still reading my blog ._. who cares XD it could be my diary of some sorts.. Yesterday was nice :) went to the mall with my mom~ bought some shampoo and stuff at watsons.. then the sales ladies of the make up there asked if they could fix me up :)) me and my mom agreed so yea.. I felt pretty weird ._. not really used to going about in public with make up when it's just an ordinary day~ but when I'm cosplaying I can handle it XD it's not like there are cons everyday..  oh and Btw spent a little time with a friend there too lol doing silly stuff and pretty much laughing about everything ._. lookin like retards and what not. XD

I think I'm pretty stupid at times XD like when it's late at night and I freak myself out by reading creepy stories on 'Read If You Dare' it is actually a page on FB that has creepy but entertaining.. My mom sometimes laughs at me because I freak myself out and bam i can't sleep with the lights off XD. My mom knows when I'm scared even if I don't read or watch creepy stuff.. she knows when I'm a bit jumpy.. so sometimes at night like when I want to get a glass of water.. she says: "samahan kita :)" it gives that warm loving smile of hers.. haha It's a mother's instinct I guess.. XD

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