Thursday, February 21, 2013

Random Stuff~

I have 3 unfinished posts that i'm simply just too lazy to finish.  ._. but i somehow found the time to make another post about.. well anything that I could think of ._. well.. since Valentines is almost near ( well it's actually over) .. i would simply like to blabber about.. Love at first sight.. Is there really Love at first sight? do you really think you could fall inlove that easily? well i don't.. sure you get attracted to someone.. but that doesn't reel you in for good.. I believe in taking a closer look.. cause makes you hold on is the way they are.. not how they look.. of course that adds to why you like/love them..~  You know I think it's pretty crazy how a stranger can suddenly mean so much to you.. and how someone who meant so much to you.. can just be a complete stranger.. a stranger with memories.. People change~ but memories don't :D..    Some people say that the Friend Zone.. is a heartless place.. where a girl only thinks of you as her friend.. and nothing more.. Some girls i think are quite cruel.. in my opinion that is.. but everyone has their own reasons.. I myself friendzone someone.. not because i don't like them but simply because I don't want to lose their friendship.. I see people breaking up.. and becoming enemies .. heck they even destroy each others reputations.. i don't want that to happen.. (to be continued) ( i got lazy.. heck i was supposed to post this on feb 10 but i keep getting pulled by 9gag.. i don't want to abandon this blog like the other ones.. so yea i'll just finish this up later on) \m/