Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Open House 12-12-12

Heyy Guys! :)) It's been a while since i last posted something.. anyway :) Open House was great! I missed Angelicum and my friends there <3 I met new friends :) We hanged out and had funnnn..
Me and Yanna met up at a Ministop near my house.. so we went to Angelicum together~ When we got there.. we came across "Weirdong Bata" and "Beefsteak" They were with other friends~ and my so called 'bestfriend' didn't even say hi so 
yea wtf~ anyway I'm not mad at "Weirdong Bata" anymore~ past is past.. you can't change it but you can learn from it :) besides we've both moved on about what happened :)) and there's no beef~ ya know what im sayyin? lol..
Me and Yanna met up with Art and Ricci.. sat by the canteen for awhile then Jasper.. Bj and some of their friends arrived~ i took pics of them~ yep lol then after hanging around there me , yanna, art, ricci, and well my new friend aleja decided to walk around~
There was also a horror booth which kinda sucked :)) a waste of moneyyy oh well~ me, Art , Ricci, Yanna and Aleja entered together.. Yanna closed her eyes and was holding my back pack so i could be the one to guide her through..  i was the one in front of us.. it wasn't really scary.. it was just simply a room with the lights turned off.. so yea~ what's so bad about that :))..  Yanna thought it was scary~ well her eyes were closed.. anyway.. when she saw some guys supposed to "Scare" us :)) were simply guys with sheets on them.. well that's when Yanna started  to push me towards the exit.. since the lights were turned of i didn't know where to go.. i turned around.. Yanna went ahead and pulled me.. so i was walking backwards.. but she ran.. aaaand guess what happened next.. i  literally laid down on the floor :)).. Art pulled me up though..
We were walking around school again.. chattin.. ran into "Langaw" :) he said that he would treat us to the octopus~ (ride at school) which i was excited to ride.. i haven't tried it until then.. it was amaziiiing~ it was epic! me and Yanna rode the octopus for 4 to 5 times i think :))
After that we went to the field.. my other friends were there and so was "beefsteak" one of our mutual friends called me.. so i went to her and hugged her~ but suddenly i heard "Weirdong bata"calling "beefsteak" constantly like he was his pet or something :)) which was a funny sight.. he kept yelling "beefsteak" and "BF" replied by saying "bakiiiit" then "WB" said: halika dito.. "BF" said: bakit.. tss :okay:.  then went to "WD" like a pet being called by its owner :))  anywaaaay
We hanged around the field and played frisbee with a bunch of friends~
after that we decided to ride the octopus.. lol adik lang :)) then we went by a table near the octopus with some friends.. and what do you know.. "WB" and his friends and.. some of our mutual friends were sitting at the table next to us..
Gerard decided to play frisbee~ so i joined them.. Aleja bought a small ball and we played dodge ball instead~ it was fuuuunnn <3 i love dodge ball lol
after a while me and Yanna decided to go home (Aleja was with us) so otw out.. my mom called and said that she was still in a meeting~ so we went to kfc to kill time.. while there "Langaw" and his friends.. my friends too lol went to kfc .. we fooled around a little .. some of them danced XD whcih was epic we had a lot of fun it was getting late.. Gerard asked us if we wanted to walk home.. lol even though it was faaar... well we decided to go to spend some time together since me.. Yanna.. Gerard,, Emman.. were all heading that way.. ~ Aleja was about to go home.. but then he decided to come along.. we stopped by Gerard's house for a while when we got there.. then we went on our way.. we split up a few minutes later.. Emman walked Yanna.. and Aleja walked me home :) it was fun.. meeting new friends.. and getting to hang out at school again <3